Wednesday, January 3, 2007

About Cameras

Gone are the days when we used the Kodak-KB cameras(remember'em ..?); now it's all digital. Some tid-bits I was thinking on the same lines:
* As everybody knows digital cameras rule today
* SLR(ask Benil the full form) is supposedly the choice of an ametaur-professional
* Mobile cameras have almost emerged in compition to the cameras; they although good have the below short-comings:
  • Lead to a lot of security breaches
  • Which professional photographer will use a mobile-cam ..?
  • Eat-up a lot of power &
  • Are bulky on the pocket
* Sony has released a cyber-shot cam-wala mobile recently
* Samsung has a 10Mp mobile

Trivia: High-speed photograhy shows you picures in slow-motion(bullet piercing apple)
Advice: Whenyou buy a camera look for Optical zoom over the Digital zoom
A Curious thought: Wouldn't it be nice to have a camera that does an 180 degree sweep in front of you & captures the moment in 3D (not the set of cameras in MATRIX; think about it)